What's Happening
 What's ahead




(2 Timothy 1:8)

Common people come and give messages hope and of God's existence in their personal lives proclaiming miraculous life changing events for them in their testimony...

Here at the "House CLF" visiting musicians and worshipers continue to bless us and join us in the House of God.

So come and join in, every Saturday at 6:00 p.m. where family and friends are gathered to worship and hear God's Word.

We are a new small church with a BIG GOD!!

(Call us at 412-337-4653 for more information)

God is on the move as Pastor Viola continues to provide spirit filled messages about the full gospel of truth. You are invited to join us for these in-depth studies of God's Word.

For us it is community first, by embracing the pain and needs of our neighbors. Our platform is for and with the lost and brokenhearted. We stand in the breach for the homeless, nor will we forget the recovering addict nor the once incarcerated looking for reentry who have no place to call home.

We want to be that home.

We have ministers who "Touched by the hand of God" that come from addiction backgrounds that understand those embedded in years of drinking and abusing substances.

Welcoming all, regardless of their current struggles who are now looking for a purposeful quality of life, rather than that purposeless existence finding peace and a new way of life through Christ Jesus. 

Once lost now found. 

Volunteer with us and seek with us and find new avenues within the community to benefit his people. With prayer and God leading us, we seek out projects of ministry to stand in the gap for all, as advocates for those in need. Our vision, and our spiritual mind-set from the beginning was and still is to "See God" and to be a church of His Miracles. Knowing that a "Touch from God" can change anything!


We pray our testimonies of faith, and our studies of God's word, His messages, and working within the community do exactly that...All and all, for you to "To see God."

We are hopeful as a body to build and expand, and be united as a gathering of God's people.

We will strive to do the next right thing. But, there is one more factor we need...

We need you.

The Church and the "MIsfits." 

We believe that it is God's heart and His Character to see His lost sons and daughters, (To see the return of the  prodigals) come back home into His Presence. With Pastor Viola being a former addict, brings a ministry of experience, united with all of CLF, and their members to reach out in love and in compassion to all who are seeking a new way of life. The fact is, that many of those with addictive, compulsive, obsessive and depressive personalities have been hurt, emotionally scarred and beat up and condemned by society, considered the "Misfits" by the Community and even worse, by the institutional Church. Our goals are to seek out and to reach those who are struggling with a message of hope, restoration, and love.
We are here to arm them with the biblical teaching of who God really is, who they are in Christ, and why they were created by God. We believe that through relationships and serving God and others will build the bridges that it will take to crossover to a newness that they so deserve. Knowing Jesus changes lives. It will bring a new freedom to the oppressed and the addicted. This knowing God will reconcile broken family relationships and  
restore His lost sons and daughters back to Himself!

Community, the Church and  Evangelism

Our Vision, "To see God" to see God restore back to Himself His lost sons and daughters. We at CLF strive to fulfill the Great Commission. One way we do this is through the ministry of  Evangelism! 
We believe it is monumental to share the gospel with others in love and the power of The Holy Spirit to change lives. Here at CLF we believe in preaching the whole Gospel in which God who created all of us in His Image for a personal relationship with Himself. 
However, sin has marred His image in us and our relationship with Him. That God loved us too much to just leave us in our mess and in our sins. It is our sins that ultimately condemned us to an eternity in hell.
 So to save, and to make that connection, the need to share that He came for us and all in the person of Jesus Christ and came not to condemn any of us but to save us. Our testimony to spread the good news is that we at CLF have seen His saving ways and have seen healings and the gift of the prophetic. That is, the operation of the word of knowledge, the word of wisdom and the discerning of spirits. Recognizing that in this present day, these signs and wonders are still being manifested by God to open the hearts of unbelievers where they can receive the truth of the Gospel message. 

A Divine Reversal

We have seen God, in "HIs Church of Miracles" through common people just like you, to operate in the Gifts of the Spirit such as healing, restoration and deliverance. Seeing and hearing from God to bring a divine transformation to a person life or to their situation.. "A Divine Reversal!"

With that we are inviting you  to join us as we "Live right-side up in this upside - down world" to help others, ordinary men and women know God and feel His love by His Presence in their lives!

The question is...Who will be next?

Will that be you??


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